Vitality Goddess Body Contouring Providing radio frequency, body cavitation, and laser lipo treatments. Stretch mark and cellulite reduction.
Help kickstart your body goals and thrive towards your wellness lifestyle.
Fat cavitation uses ultrasound waves and radio frequency energy to selectively break down fat cells and cellulite without affecting neighboring organs and cells. Requiring no anesthesia or downtime.
Drinking at least 1.5 L of water is recommended before treatment is received and continued consumption after of 2L . Fat elimination is accelerated by the amount of water your drink therefore, water is a key component to eliminate fat. Also your body will love you .
Eating is not recommended for two hours prior.
Please be ready to obtain a healthy lifestyle with diet and exercise before investing in body contouring services. Cardio is recommended for at least 30 mins after treatments.
Booking deposit is required! If services cannot be performed upon consultation refund will be made in full. Not everyone is a good candidate. Services will NOT be performed on anyone who is pregnant or lactating, has an infectious disease, high cholesterol, thyroid disease, immune disorders, heart disease, pacemaker, autoimmune disease, HIV or AIDS, cancer, high blood pressure, liver or kidney disease, has had an organ transplant, metal rods in the body, anticoagulants, antibiotics or you are under the age of 18.
We are dedicated to customer service and customer satisfaction.