Welcome to the New York Liposuction Center, the elite lipo surgery headquarters in for patients in New York City, Long Island and throughout the world! Board-certified plastic surgeon Dr. Arnold Breitbart offers a wide selection of minimally invasive, sophisticated plastic surgery technologies for cosmetic surgery patients. As a patient you’ll receive individualized attention from our surgeon, Dr. Breitbart, to develop a customized plan for optimal results tailored to your specific plastic surgery needs.
Liposuction in NYC
It’s our mission to customize an ideal surgical plan that meets each patient’s individualized needs and desires. In each case Dr. Breitbart and his staff make use of the latest, minimally-invasive cosmetic surgery technologies, sometimes in combination, to remove unwanted fat and achieve the most dramatic, natural-looking results possible for liposuction surgery patients. In some cases, we use several different plastic surgery technologies during one procedure (like SmartLipo laser combined with Cellulaze™ for cellulite treatment or Precision Tx™ for skin tightening, for example) to sculpt the body with extra precision and encourage tightening of the skin that wouldn’t otherwise be possible even with diet and exercising.
With us, you’ll have a wide array of plastic surgery options to choose from. In consultation with Dr. Breitbart, you’ll be able to decide which options will provide the results you hope to achieve. Below are some of the most popular body fat removal procedures Dr. Breitbart performs:
Dr. Breitbart focuses on creating amazing results, but also considers the health of each candidate for liposuction, taking safety into consideration as well as recovery, postop care, and downtime issues.
Good lipo candidates should be fit, healthy, non-smokers and preferably be close to their ideal weight before the procedure. Because liposuction is not for weight loss, patients should seek out a procedure to sculpt and contour the body, not to lose pounds. However, some areas of the body are particularly prone to storing fat and even dedicated diet and exercise programs may fail to get rid of these fat deposits. Patients who have been preparing to get rid of these deposits might be good candidates for Smart Lipo.
More than one area of the body can be targeted during a single Smart Lipo procedure. Laser lipolysis is appropriate for a variety of different areas of the body. If you’re interested in having more than one area treated, talk with your plastic surgeon about the Smartlipo laser treatment method. The Smartlipo laser is able to remove unwanted fat from the body while doing skin tightening at the same time.