Most people can do the Laser-Like Lipo
There are a few people who cannot do the Laser-Like Lipo, and we will tell you if that is you. Otherwise, assume you can.
Yes, there are potential Health and Wellness Benefits
• 400,000+ people die from Heart Disease
• 200,000+ people die from Diabetes complications – Both of these have obesity as a major contributing factor
• Arthritis affects 1 in 2 Adults – Obesity is again, a major contributing factor
So if you were less obese, we are told all the time, lose weight, and your risk goes down.
There are no studies to show if this produced health benefits.
But since the mechanism of action is just like that of exercise, I believe you will see health benefits from losing fat with the Laser-Like Lipo as well.
People with Diabetes can do this program safely, as long as they measure their blood sugar levels before and after.
Most Diabetics end up using less insulin, after they do the 9 session program.
Psychological benefits as well, imagine what you will feel like, when you look and feel better, when people make comments about how great you look?
People who are thinner statistically speaking, make more money.
Lipo Suction Surgery
• Cost – $4,500 to $10,000
• 1- 2 weeks off work for recovery v • Follow up skin removal surgery – $2,000
• Fat gets stored in weird places after lipo
• Risks- Scarring to Death
• Some cannot even do it because of meds
• Lumpy and choppy results
Lap Band – Similar risks and cost to lipo – but no guaranteed results, you still have to eat less and exercise
Gastric Bypass – Similar risks and cost to lipo – but you have to eat A LOT less, and if you don’t, you could literally die from over eating.
Dangerous Drugs – Again, similar risks to lipo – but even more possible side effects. EVERY SINGLE DRUG that has ever been FDA approved, and been on the market long enough, has been riddled with long term side effects, never known when the FDA first approved it.
Gimmicky Supplements – We have seen the advertisements, read the newspaper ads, heard the radio jingles, but they all have one thing in common, no proven results.
Diet and Exercise – We know how well this works – minimal to no results, hard work and lots of effort, often causing us to lose motivation to continue. Thus, rarely producing any kind of result at all.