Curvy8Club is an exclusive home based members only club that provides privacy and body contouring services without surgery or down time. Your Body Specialist will help you achieve desirable results with the help of ultrasonic cavitation, radio frequency, laser lipo as well as multiple non-invasive services.
A complementary virtual consultation is required to join, this will help us to determine if body contouring is right for you and help your Body specialist to create a plan beforehand and focus on your treatments at the date and time you are scheduled.
The Curvy8club is for women and men who are serious about changing their bodies with not only the help of body contouring, but by including a healthy lifestyle to maintain results.
You will be provided with meal plans via text or email and work out programs based on your needs discussed at your consultation.
The Curvy8Club also provides retail products such as body wraps, waist trainers, cellulite reduction take home kits and detox cleanses that will be beneficial to your body transformation process as well.