

laser lipo5


There is a lot of misinformation out there about the non-invasive procedure known as laser lipo. This article will attempt to clear up some of the confusion about this type of procedure, which can be performed in a clinic or an office and involves no incisions or downtime.

Non-invasive laser lipo is still relatively new, and as with any new technology, there has been some controversy over its validity as a treatment for fat reduction. Because of this, many people may wonder whether non-invasive laser lipo is “approved” by the FDA. The truth is that the FDA does not regulate non-invasive procedures such as laser lipo, but that doesn’t mean that clinics offering them aren’t held to high standards by state laws and professional organizations.

The American Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery (ASAPS) publishes a directory of board-certified plastic surgeons who perform cosmetic procedures, including those related to fat reduction like liposuction and laser lipo. If you are looking for a body contouring procedure, you should look for a surgeon who is certified by ASAPS as well as by your state’s medical board. If a plastic surgeon charges more than what is considered fair or customary in your area, be wary; if it sounds shady.

What is FDA approval?

FDA refers to the Food and Drug Administration, a government agency that regulates the research, development, and marketing of drugs. This article from the FDA discusses the various kinds of FDA approval, but in general, it refers to drugs or medical devices that are safe and effective for their intended use. (source)

What does FDA approval mean for me as a patient?

As a patient, FDA approval means you can be confident that non-invasive laser lipo has been proven safe and effective in its intended usage. The FDA is responsible for approving new treatments and procedures before they are widely used. It’s important to note that FDA approval does not mean that the procedure is covered by insurance companies or available everywhere—it means that the procedure has been proven safe and effective. In this case, non-invasive laser lipo has been approved for fat reduction in patients up to 30 years old (although there are other age limits), with up to two inches of fat layers being removed per session (although there are other limits on total removal). It has also been approved for skin tightening. [See this PDF from for more information on procedure limits.] In addition, although not mentioned specifically, the FDA will have approved this

Laser liposuction, or non-invasive laser lipolysis, is a cosmetic procedure that uses laser technology to treat localized fat accumulations. It works by delivering laser energy to the deep layer of fat, heating it up and causing it to be mobilized through the body’s lymphatic system and metabolized by the liver. Because there are no incisions or anesthetic needed, patients are able to go home the same day as their procedure.

The FDA has approved the use of lasers on superficial fat deposits under the skin but has not approved them for treating any specific area—including specific types of fat, like abdominal fat. This doesn’t mean that they don’t work for treating abdominal fat. It simply means that there’s no evidence that they do work for treating abdominal fat specifically. Lasers can be used for other reasons (such as removing tattoos), and in fact, many plastic surgeons and dermatologists have been using them for years in their practices without ever getting FDA approval for doing so—the technology has been deemed safe enough by these experts to use without FDA approval.