

laser lipo6


When it comes to non-invasive body contouring and body sculpting, laser lipo is a great option. It’s effective, safe, and affordable. But that doesn’t mean it’s the right choice for everyone. So before you decide to undergo any treatment (or have anyone else undergo a treatment), here are some questions to ask yourself:

If you’re considering laser lipo, the first question you’ll want to ask yourself is whether or not you’ve tried traditional methods of weight loss. The FDA recommends that you first try diet and exercise before exploring other options—but if you’ve tried them and they haven’t worked for you, then it’s time to think about other options. Laser lipo is a great way to reduce stubborn fat deposits, but there is no quick fix. Be prepared to commit to losing weight in the long term with proper diet and exercise if you try this method of treatment.

If there are aesthetic challenges that keep coming up for you—maybe it’s love handles, or bulges on your stomach or thighs—laser lipo can be a great solution. If there are areas on your body that just don’t respond to dieting or exercise and are resistant to change, laser lipo can help remove the fat build-up in those areas

Laser liposuction is a non-invasive way to remove fat. Both men and women can benefit from this treatment. The amount of fat that can be removed with laser liposuction depends on your body type, however, most individuals can expect to lose between 1-5 lbs per treatment.

(1) Do I need to take off my clothes for this treatment?

No! The physician will apply a handpiece similar to what you would use for normal hair removal, and the laser energy is directed through this handpiece for the removal of fat cells. Although you will be draped during the procedure, no part of the liposuction process requires removing any clothing.

(2) How many treatments do I need?

You will be evaluated by one of our trained physicians in order to determine the ideal number and timing of treatments.

(3) What kind of results can I expect after my 1st treatment?

After your first treatment, you should notice a reduction in the appearance of unwanted fat deposits in treated areas. Results may vary depending on the individual patient and the area being treated. In general, patients will see an improvement in their overall contour and shape with each treatment cycle.

So Do Laser Lipo Treatments Work?

The short answer is yes! Non-invasive laser lipo treatments are effective because they are non-invasive and work to tighten skin, and over time safely remove fat. Laser lipo treatments work by stimulating collagen production in the skin and increasing blood flow. The body reacts to these stimuli by producing new collagen, which gives your skin a tighter appearance, and fat deposits are removed from your body through natural releases.

The professional application of the treatment allows for a more targeted fat reduction than you can achieve with diet and exercise alone. However, it is important to note that laser lipo treatments are only effective when used in conjunction with healthy lifestyle choices such as regular exercise and a balanced diet.

Light and painless: Most patients say they hardly notice the treatment once the initial numbing cream takes effect. Some patients do describe a sensation of warmth while the laser stimulates the underlying tissues, but most report that this feeling is mild at most, and some find it pleasant.

Laser liposuction is also very fast. An average session takes around 45 minutes to an hour—some clinics even advertise “lunchtime liposuction!”

Minimal side effects: Side effects are rare with laser lipo treatments. The most common side effect that patients experience is redness or very light bruising, which typically resolves within a day or two after treatment. Patients may experience a pleasant feeling of noticing they are slimming down in those areas that have been hard to lose fat in.

One of the most common questions asked by prospective liposuction patients is, “Is laser lipo the same as traditional liposuction?” The answer is no. First, let’s define each:

Laser lipo is a non-invasive body contouring procedure that uses laser energy to selectively target fat cells for destruction. Traditional liposuction, on the other hand, is an invasive body contouring procedure in which a tube is inserted into the body, and fat and tissue are removed through the tube. What makes these two procedures different? Here are just a few ways:

Traditional Liposuction Laser Lipo Takes place in an operating room setting with anesthesia, while non-invasive laser lipo Requires no anesthesia. non-Invasive body contouring Requires no incisions, No sutures required, No discomfort during or after treatment, and Minimal swelling or bruising. traditional invasive and minimally invasive laser lipo treatments are Expensive but require fewer treatments.