

laser lipo5


The amount of time between laser lipo treatments varies, depending on your goals. It may take multiple treatments to see a significant difference in the size of your waist or thighs, for example. For people who want to reduce fat around the midsection, you may notice a difference in just one session.


In terms of frequency, plan on getting a treatment every six to twelve months. If you’re looking for more dramatic results and are also committed to losing weight and toning up via diet and exercise, try to schedule treatments at least three to four weeks apart. If you’re not sure where the fat is coming from—perhaps you’ve been yo-yo dieting and have noticed that some areas keep bouncing back—then schedule them more frequently, such as once every two weeks. And remember that while it’s important to have realistic expectations about how many sessions you’ll need, you should also aim to get them every year or year and a half so that you can keep up with any changes in your body.

One of the most common questions that comes up when people are considering laser liposuction is how often they should get treatments. There are a lot of factors that play into this, including the ultimate end goal of the patient, as well as the level of commitment they have to the process. For example, an overweight person who’s just trying to lose 15 pounds may be able to see results in one or two sessions. On the other hand, a woman who’s struggling with massive weight loss after having had three kids and is trying to get back to her “college weight” might need multiple sessions every week for at least a year before she sees any real progress. In any case, here are some ways to figure out what’s best for you:

What type of results are you looking for? As I mentioned before, it’s important to be realistic about your goals so you don’t set yourself up for disappointment. If you’re only looking to lose 15 pounds and two weeks after your first session you’re down 10, it can be easy to get discouraged if you’re not careful. Laser lipo works by causing tiny micro-injuries to fat cells so they can be burned off more easily—meaning it will work best over time and won’t show immediate results.

Laser liposuction is a procedure that gets rid of excess fat in the body by sending low-level laser beams through the skin and into the fat cells. It’s an alternative to traditional liposuction, which uses a tube inserted into the skin to suction fat out of the body.


Laser lipo can be performed on any area of the body where there are unwanted pockets of fat, with varying success rates depending on factors such as age, exercise and diet. The most common areas treated are the abdomen, hips and thighs.


There isn’t a set schedule for getting laser lipo treatments; it depends on your goals and how much time you can commit to exercising and watching your diet. Many people get one treatment and then schedule annual follow-ups to help maintain their results. Others choose to have regular treatments, perhaps every six weeks or twice per month, while they’re determined to make a change in their bodies and are working hard toward that goal.

We recommend choosing a practitioner who is qualified in both areas—laser liposuction AND weight loss—so you’re getting optimum results from each treatment.

When done in the right hands and under the right circumstances, laser liposuction is the most targeted and effective way to remove localized body fat. It uses a laser with a high level of precision to cut through fat without affecting the skin or other tissue around it. Laser lipo can be used to sculpt a patient’s body after weight loss and is also ideal for fat deposits that won’t respond to diet or exercise. Laser lipo is also an excellent alternative for patients who have been unable to achieve results from traditional liposuction and are not good candidates for other types of plastic surgery.

When deciding between laser lipo treatments, it’s important to understand what you’re signing up for. Each treatment should be spaced about four weeks apart so that your body has time to recover from the trauma of surgery. Your dermatologist will advise you on the time frame that fits your specific case and individual needs, but four weeks is a safe bet.

While results can be seen after just one treatment, you should know that they may not be permanent. Your body will naturally heal itself over time as it reabsorbs any fat cells that were melted during your laser lipo procedure. During this phase, you can expect to see an increase in size at first.