

laser lipo5


There are several reasons why your stomach isn’t flat right after the treatment.

The first reason is that the body has an incredible ability to adapt to the new situation. Your body is constantly changing and adapting, so it’s not unusual for it to take a little time for things to settle down. This can be anywhere from a few days to a few weeks.

The second reason is that you may have been dehydrated before the procedure, which can cause swelling in your stomach area. Dehydration can also cause inflammation, which can produce additional water weight.

The third reason may be related to your genetics. If you have a history of obesity or other medical conditions that affect your metabolism, then this might be something you want to discuss with your doctor before considering laser lipo treatment.

The first thing to remember is that the body takes time to heal itself. It is normal for your stomach to be a bit tender and swollen for several days after your treatment.

The second thing to remember is that the swelling will go down over time. Your doctor may recommend that you wear a support belt for a few days after your procedure, but this is not necessary if you are comfortable with the way your body looks and feels.

The third thing to remember is that laser lipo can be used on all areas of the body including the abdomen, back, hips and thighs. In some cases it may help reduce cellulite in those areas as well.

This is a common concern among patients after they’ve had laser lipo. The stomach typically looks flatter immediately after the treatment, but its long-term results are best evaluated with a body fat analysis.

The amount of fat removed by laser lipo is merely the first step in getting rid of unwanted fat. The main determinant of whether the fat will return is how much of it there still is in your body after you’ve recovered from your laser lipo treatment. That’s why it’s important to know that while immediate results can be achieved with laser lipo, long-term results can only be achieved by changing your lifestyle habits.

The following FAQs will help you gain a better understanding of why your stomach might not seem as toned as you anticipated:

What we do in the ASL Laser Lipo Center is to melt fat cells using laser energy. It is true that some of the fat cells will be destroyed and liquefied, but this does not happen right after the treatment. The body needs time to absorb the liquid fat before it can be eliminated. The process of elimination is called metabolism, and it takes about two weeks for a fat cell to be completely processed. Some patients may even see a little swelling during these two weeks, but this swelling will quickly go away and leave you with firm, new skin on your tummy.

The laser energy also stimulates your skin cells to produce more collagen and elastin. As you know, collagen gives skin its strength and elasticity, so you will benefit from stronger skin tissue even faster than from losing weight. When your skin is tight and elastic after laser lipo treatment, you could already go shopping for clothes that fit a slimmer figure! Even though there may still be some fat left in your body after laser lipo treatments, you will definitely look way slimmer right after the session because your skin will be tighter and have a smoother surface appearance.

Laser liposuction is a commonly performed cosmetic procedure to reduce the size of fat deposits, tighten skin, and contour the body. It can be used on nearly any part of the body including the arms, thighs, buttocks, abs, and love handles. The results of this treatment are permanent after the fat cells that have been destroyed by the laser have been naturally reabsorbed by your body. In the days following the treatment, patients often experience swelling which may last for up to three months due to fluid shifts within the body. This is normal and should subside with time.

The immediate result of laser lipo ranges from mild to significant depending on each individual and will continue to improve over a two year period. After surgery some patients experience a “moisture-sucking” sensation where others feel “tight and dry”. These sensations are temporary and will subside within hours or days depending on how much fat was treated in that area. During your consultation it is important to discuss realistic expectations with your surgeon. Your surgeon will perform an exam before surgery to determine whether you are a good candidate for laser lipo based on your weight, body type, medical conditions, age and other factors. You should also discuss your expectations with your surgeon during this time so you