

laser lipo5


If you’re considering non-invasive laser lipo, you’ve likely done your homework and know that the treatment is safe. Still, the fact is that it’s a fairly new technology and there hasn’t been much research into the potential side effects. While non-invasive laser lipo has shown promising results in battling stubborn fat and cellulite, some of the risks associated with it include:

Laser Lipo Dos and Don’tsQ: If I am pregnant or nursing, can I still get laser lipo? A: You should not schedule a session until after your pregnancy. Q: Can I participate in strenuous exercise before my laser lipo appointment? A: Exercise will help to burn fat and improve circulation to your treated areas. However, it should not interfere with your treatment. Q: Can I wear makeup after my session? A: Makeup can clog pores and may cause irritation to the skin. You should wait at least a week before putting on any lotions or makeup. Q: How soon after my procedure can I work out? A: It is common to feel soreness as a result of your treatment. Swelling may occur as well. It is recommended that you take a few days off from physical activity to allow your body a chance to heal.

Laser liposuction, also called non-invasive laser lipolysis, is a procedure that uses lasers to destroy fat cells through heat. The procedure was approved by the FDA in 2002 and is one of many new methods that fall under the category of “laser lipolysis”—thermolysis or radiofrequency are two other types of laser liposuction. While all three methods are performed in the same way and share similar risks, some patients may be more ideal for one type than another.

1) Is it appropriate for me to have laser lipo if I am pregnant?

The use of lasers on a pregnant woman is not advisable because of the risk of causing a thermal injury to her unborn child. It is best to delay the treatment until after delivery. However, if you choose to proceed with the treatment during your pregnancy, then you should consult with your doctor first.

2) What are some side effects?

There are minimal side effects associated with noninvasive laser lipo treatments, but these may include:

-Redness and swelling at the site of treatment (this usually subsides within an hour after treatment)

-Possible bruising at the site of treatment (again, this usually subsides within an hour

Laser Lipo is a great alternative to cosmetic surgery, but it is not without its risks. To ensure that you understand the cost and benefits of this treatment, here’s an FAQ of common questions:


Is Laser Lipo safe?

Laser Lipo is considered safe for the majority of patients, with few instances of complications. Some potential side effects include bruising, pain, or swelling during or after the procedure. Talk to your practitioner about any concerns you may have before making an appointment.

How long will I need to recover after my treatments?

Each person has different requirements when it comes to recovery

Laser Lipolysis is a non-invasive procedure that uses laser technology to remove fat from problem areas of the body. The process is FDA approved and has been performed for more than 20 years. While there are many benefits to this type of treatment, there are also some risks. Most of these risks are easy to avoid or treat, but potential patients should be aware of them before making a decision about whether or not to have the procedure.

First, it should be noted that the most serious risk associated with Laser Lipolysis is burns and blisters. Because lasers use heat to break down fat cells, there is a chance of injuring surrounding tissue if proper precautions aren’t taken during treatment. However, burning typically only occurs when the patient sits still in one position for too long, which can cause the laser’s heat to concentrate on one spot for too long. If patients move around more frequently during treatment, the risk of burns is reduced significantly.

Aside from this issue, patients may experience redness at the site of their treatment, as well as mild swelling and cramping in the area that was treated. These effects usually subside within an hour or two after finishing a session. Patients who are concerned about these side effects can take acetaminophen or Tylenol to lessen the effect. Overall, if you are in good health we found no danger to laser lipo whatsoever if you follow our simple advice if you have medical problems or are pregnant it is not advised to have laser lipo treatments.