

Photo Taken In Spain, Villajoyosa


The number of sessions of laser lipo needed varies from individual to individual, as well as with the area being treated. Laser lipo is not a “one-size-fits-all” treatment. The number of sessions needed is based on the amount of fat to be treated and the desired level of sculpting. For example, if you have a large amount of fat to be treated in your abdomen (which means more laser energy is required to treat each area), then it may take a longer time to see your desired results compared to someone who only has a small amount of fat to treat. Also, if you choose to treat your arms or thighs, these areas tend not to need as many treatments as the abdomen or hips for example because the fat deposits are typically smaller in those regions. To get the best results possible, we recommend that you come in for at least 3-6 treatments However, some patients come in for just one treatment and still see excellent results! Each individual responds differently, so no two cases are alike.

Laser lipolysis is a non-invasive procedure that uses laser energy to reduce fat, sculpt and contour the body. While results are visible in the short term, you’ll see best long-term results with a series of sessions. But how many will you need?

The amount of time needed for each procedure varies from person to person because everybody’s body reacts differently. In general, it’s recommended to complete three to six treatments, spaced approximately one to two weeks apart. This allows your body time to recover from each session so that you’re at your healthiest and most hydrated before starting on the next round, and you will be able to see the best results. While some patients may see great results after just one or two sessions, others may require more. The more fat you have stored in your body and the larger your treatment area, the more sessions will be needed for optimal results.

We asked Mary Jenkins from a local Laser lipo clinic what she thinks, here is what she said “The number of sessions needed for optimal results varies from person to person. It depends on factors such as the current weight of the patient, his or her age, and the amount of subcutaneous fat he or she has. The more of these factors that are in your favor, the faster you will reach your goals. For example, younger people with more subcutaneous fat will notice an improvement in their body contour after fewer sessions than a middle-aged person who is starting out with a higher baseline weight.”

“In terms of how many sessions are needed to see results, we recommend two to four sessions spaced between two and four weeks apart. However, if you decide you want additional treatment after your first session, we recommend spacing them another two to four weeks apart.”

“The timing of your last follow-up session depends on how much fat you want to remove and how quickly you are losing that fat naturally. For example, if you have 20 pounds of fat to lose by summertime but it’s already March, it may make sense for you to have six treatments spaced at two-week intervals over the course of April, May, and June; this way your body will have time to naturally lose some fat before you have to get into that bikini body.” 

It seems the overall consensus is the same, Laser Lipo works, it totally depends on the amount of fat you need to lose on how many treatments it will take to see results, but usually 3-6 months you will obtain your best body, which doesn’t seem that long considering you don’t have to have surgery to do it.